Our Lady

‘God works in different ways to man!

Consider your universities and training to be a doctor or a nurse. Much of the training happens before the future doctor or nurse ever meets a patient and even when they do begin to meet patients, it is under supervision!

God does not work in the same way and just as Jesus chose his 12 apostles and sent them out preaching and healing with very little training or preparation, so too does the Holy Spirit give many people in your world different gifts of healing and evangelisation and sends them out too.

My children, you must not criticise those that Jesus sends out to bring the gospel to today’s world because just like the 12 apostles, they know that they are not perfect and that they too are learning and growing in their spiritual lives.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone’ and so let he who is perfect and without sin condemn and criticise others who are doing their best to follow Jesus and to teach and preach about his love in today’s world.

Learn my children to see good and when you see or hear error, do not condemn the person as all bad or all evil but rather pray for them and correct them if appropriate!

Remember always my children that Jesus works best through weak and broken people whom he strengthens and teaches over time!